Monday, August 23, 2004

rain and more rain

It seems I am not the only one having troubles due to rains. Indian cricket team is also facing a defeat without a fight due to non stop rains in Holland. I on the other hand got drenched every day last week as rains were so regular like it used to be in Singapore.I mean it might still be that way in Singapore but I don't know. When I was there it certainly was the case. So due to this double bath everyday I started to come late in night but it wasn't because of rains only. My headless boss has taken it into his head to debug some nasty problem and made me and all the other team members to stay late, till 2 AM to be precise and the trend continued over the weekend as well and today seems to offer no change. But while our rtl folks are dumping out the new netlist for me I thought it was time to write my next blog...

Working late night wasn't the only disappointing thing this weekend.All of out medal hopes also went for a toss. I was one of the unfortunate ones to sit and watch the lee-hash bronze battle which kept on going like the trozan war... and then the doping controversies and hocky wash out and what not. Why do we play? Everyone should follow me and just code...It seems that's what we do anyway!

Read JRR's the hobbit which is the prelude to the lord of the rings. It made me respect the food apart from all the things :) and now I always feel a lot more hungry than I earlier used to. Never know when you'll get the chance again :) Missed out on an opportunity to meet Sheetal due to the god damn debug...Now I think I know why most people don't like me :)

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