Sunday, December 26, 2004


Oh my god. more than 1000 dead in Southern India. More than 5000 all over. For all the progress and development we might have made, such events just show how ephemeral this world is. I was typing a merry xmas mail to friends when I noticed this news on the news ticker. Never heard of a earthquake in Indonesia before and of such high degree? While Indonesian officials measured it at 6.4, US measured it at 8.9 on the richter scale. This has been some year I'll say. Just five more days. That's it.


Saturday, December 25, 2004

Hamphi n Moon

look out people. it's a blue moon today. I saw it on my way to .. well, office (ooh poor thing). stopped mid way on the road and got banged by a car behind which got banged by another and so on but instead of shouting and screaming at each other we were just looking and looking at the moon. it's so beautiful. don't miss it but pull over first. and yeah merry christmas.

I had planned to go to Hamphi this weekend but so few people want to go to a historical place these days and I wasn't just ready for a lone trip down the memory lane. guess it'd have to wait. That's precisely the reason I am working. no regrets. and that's a lovely song by RW.

Monday, December 20, 2004


do you know what the plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called ?
ever tried licking ur elbow?
another specialty of TYPEWRITER?
what is 'Syzygy'?

well, I'd say read this blog knowall
It's dead for a long time it seems but great and funny stuff.

Friday, December 17, 2004

this is how you remind me (Nickelback)

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin'
Tired of livin' like a blind man
I'm sick inside without a sense of feelin
And this is how you remind me
Of what I really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin'
I've been wrong, I've been down
To the bottom of every bottle
Despite words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"
Yet?, Yet?, Yet?, no no

It's not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do
It must have been so bad
Cause living with me must have damn near killed you

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

my name anagrams to atheism

Ever been to
See nature has an excellent sense of humor.
Dormitory: Dirty Room
Schoolmaster: The classroom
Elvis: Lives
Clint Eastwood: Old West Action
Western Union: No Wire Unsent
The Country Side: No City Dust Here
Desperation: A Rope Ends It
The Morse Code: Here Come Dots
Slot Machines: Cash Lost in'em
Conversation: Voices Rant On
Heavy Rain: Hire a Navy
Tom Cruise: So I'm Cuter
Mother-in-law: Woman Hitler
Funeral: Real Fun
Snooze Alarms: Alas! No More Z's
A Decimal Point: I'm a Dot in Place
Statue of Liberty: Built to Stay Free
Eleven plus two: Twelve plus one
Mel Gibson: Bong Smile
David Letterman: Nerd Amid Late TV
Howard Stern: Retard Shown
Debit card: Bad Credit

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

buk buk

while Srini is thinking about animals and Shaffy is thinking about beggars, I am thinking about thinking. it is something we are forced to do all the time. like a slave against our will. of course you may not have really ever thought about not to think about anything but think about it now. I consider the process of not thinking very sacred. because whenever I am deep in meditation (ok you don't know me but I do meditate daily. for that matter by definition to meditate is actually to think deeply and it gets confusing so I'll go by the face value of meditation, that is to chant something or read something. WAIT I am off from my original point, we'll discuss it someother time.) I disconnect from this world and go into a state of 'no state' and that's a great feeling. (don't trust me but I can certainly claim and this claim is as good as the existence of GOD. you can't prove or disprove)
on the other side I like 'force thinking'. That's what I do when I am listening to GunsNroses and music like that. I try to follow and feel each and every instrument in the song and that's hell a lot of work for the poor brain. interesting thing is if you listen to a lot of music you'll start to anticipate it. Music almost always follows a predictable path and you can certainly predict most of the time the next note in a song and that's even more work for the brain. (but most of the rock songs are unpredictable so that's where the real challenge is!) This excercise is highly refresing and gets me out of depression in a jiffy...
don't bother to think too much about all this but thanx to lewis carroll non sense is the only true sense.

Friday, December 10, 2004

long over due

In one weekend shopping I baught DVDs of all parts of LOTR, Matrix, StarWars, Harry Potter, Terminator, SpiderMan and Gone with the wind, Casablanca, cleopatra, titanic and many more. Of course I had to first of all see star wars original trilogy and it's amazing. what else can I say about them. Next few weeks are gonna be great.
and of course I changed my template thanx to for it. You ppl have a great weekend else buzz me ;)

Friday, December 03, 2004

caterpilar lady

walking on a beautiful sunday morning on a lazy road with lush green parks full of heavily dewed grass my eyes noticed a pretty young lady where pretty has nothing to do with young.
As usual I was contemplating various introductory sentences when suddenly heavens started to sing and dance. wait, no. it's her talking to me. yes certainly she is talking to me...
'don't step on that; it's a caterpilar'
that's all and she was gone. even before I could tell her that roaming around stepping on caterpilars wasn't exactly my business. even before I could ask for a hand to keep the above mentioned species in a safe place. actually even before I could spot the tiny piece of life so seemingly close to the damsel in distress.
Yes there was no caterpilar there, none whatsoever. May be it vanished on my sight or may be my sight needed mending. May be a bigger caterpilar ate it. May be the pretty young lady just wanted to talk to me. Nah, she won't make a dash then. But she was morning walking and pretty young ladies' morning walking is quite a running for the stressed out overworked er of an engineer like me.So I turned around to see where she was but she was nowhere. This gave me quite a shock. Someone had a eraser. I mean first a well sighted and likened caterpilar disappears and then probably it's sole admirer? Someone was erasing things from my sight. But everything else seem to stay on.
'Are you alright, you haven't moved an inch it seems from my last round?'
okay, I can atleast hear her. No wait she is behind me so I made another turn and yes, she was very much there.
'I saw no caterpilar around!' I complained.
'well then it obviously didn't depend on me campaigning for 'step off caterpilars!'