Just read this article
on rediff. Ash finally seems to be making it big in the US. Hope she takes on Jay pretty soon. Then no more Hollywood or Bollywood, just Allywood :))
Hingis is making a comeback!!!
Sania won the first round...
BEAT-IT steps are looking GREAT. SDIPA ROX.
Thanks to Tess, I am able to moonwalk, somewhat slow but good enough. why did I wait so long to join a dance class...
My todo list on the white-board is down to 2 from 7.
I watched SHABD and even liked it :) I guess it's a good time to watch BLACK too.
I have a terrible cold. no one minds the pile of coffee cups in my dustbin anymore.
You can actually moonwalk ..wow
hope your cold gets better.
take care.
DC: Thanx :) 'my cold getting better is not a matter of HOPE, it's only a matter of TIME.'
Matrix writers would never have thought of such a misuse.
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