Wednesday, August 25, 2004


After a long time I put four night outs in a row this week and now I am quite enjoying the zombie state my mind has gone into. A couple more nightouts and you won't know if you are awake or still dreaming :) Most fantastic things happen to people in this state like once I went to the bathroom with toothbrush in one hand and shaving cream in the other! This was when I was fighting a B in mac-sol.

Well this reminds me of my days in BITS which unlike most of you I hated and hardly ever I try to think about them. But I realised today that deepdown I love it. This enlightenment came to me when I saw that almost all of my online identity is fd97103 including my mails,blogs etc. but still BITS made me sick of studies which I so much enjoyed in my school days!

1 comment:

Suhail said...

Dude, don't say u hate BITS ... I know u love it!!! And you're still the only potential Junky PhD candidate I know ... so don't start hating studies so soon ... please please don't ...