Thursday, October 14, 2004


there is a kitten in my kitchen. dunno where it came from. probably it's the birthplace. but last night I woke up with a start. There was so much light in my room. That's coz it was 6:30 AM. But I had thoght that I had just slept as I crashed at around 2 AM after fighting Germans, stealing their lorry and shooting their bombers, all in the wonderful game Call of Duty (Thanks Thakur for the amazing game..) So what caused me to leap out of the slumber was loud screams. real loud screams. but I didn't get off my bed as I couldn't. but the screams continued... I started to figure out who was screaming and then came to a conclusion that it's a cat. Then I started to wonder why should it be screaming and came to a conclusion that it must have gotten stuck somewhere and is asking for help. Then I started to think of the possible locations outside my room where one cat can get stuck and came to a conclusion that it must be the sink of my kitchen.(it's always full of utensils.. barrrh). Then came the toughest decisions of them all. TO getup and help (what help? I was rather scared.. it might bite me..) So I finally got up and searched around for a tool. What do you need to help a cat out of a stinky sink apart from a mask? If the cat is really intelligent then it won't need anything so it's not so I needed something that could hold on to it yet be far away from my body. Of course there was no such thing available in my room. Meanwhile the screams were driving me crazy so I took a cloth hanger (WHAT A CHOICE) and started on my adventure. The screams were coming from the kitchen but stopped as soon as I opened the gate of my room which has a characteristic sound and when I reached the kitchen I realised that all my preparations were useless as no cat was stuck in no sink. There was a big cat and a small cat (the kitten whom I saw for the first time) and the big cat was scaring the small one. I don't know who was making the sound. None of them moved when they saw me and I threw the hanger towards the bigger one in one very 'calvin-ian' shot. Then I made all sorts of sounds and danced all sorts of dances but none of them moved. That made me real thirsty and I went back to my room to get my water bottle and when I returned there was no sign of any of them. I picked the hanger put it back in it's place and went back to sleep.

I don't know if I was dreaming. but when I got up again ( or the first time) I saw a real colorful frog in the kitchen...

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